As I meet with clients, I have the opportunity to be in their most intimate space, their home. I get to see what they hang on their walls and place around their homes for inspiration. I get to see the pictures that remind them of their children during different phases of their life, wedding pictures, family pictures, and pictures of their friends and vacations; the reminders of the appreciation we all have for the amazing people and events we have experienced in our lives and the memories we have created.

Though it has been a trend for a while, I still love seeing the quotes and single words people place around their home to inspire them and create reminders of gratitude for all that they have.

The quotes evoke positive, motivating thoughts, like one of my favorites, “It’s a GREAT day to have a GREAT day!”; places we wish we could visit more often, “Life is ALWAYS Better at the beach”; or goals that we are looking towards achieving, “I didn’t come this far to only come this far”.

Many of those around me spend a lot of time in November reflecting on what they are thankful for and how to improve their state of gratitude.

As we look towards Thanksgiving and prepare our homes to entertain family and friends, I encourage you to think about your home and what small things you could do to improve how your home makes you feel. Do you have a stack of papers and mail on your kitchen counter that causes you anxiety? Think about a place where you could relocate it, not only will it free up your counter space, it will also clear the stress it creates in your life. Maybe it is a storage room you have dreaded cleaning out and getting organized. Or maybe, it is looking through your clothes to clean up your dresser and closet to give away things that you no longer wear.

Instead of making January the month that to set goals to get organized, what if you spend a few minutes each day in November looking through the things you are grateful for and gifting what no longer serves you to charity. Then you can start the holiday season in organized spaces that will bring your more peace and joy, along with one less a New Year’s resolution.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!